Consumer Trends


Multicultural Influences are Shifting American Appetites During the Super Bowl (and Beyond)

Nielsen - January 2020

By 2023, we expect the buying power of the U.S. Latinx population to top $1.9 trillion, which is higher than the gross domestic product of countries like Australia, Spain, and Mexico. Brand alignment with Hispanic consumers’ values has never been more important, and it’s clear that the Latinx influence is shiftingβ€”and will continue to shiftβ€”overall consumption trends across the U.S.


The Hispanic Consumer is Key to The Future of the Wine Industry

Abasto - December 2018

Hispanics could represent up to 40% of the total growth in the total consumption of the category during the period between 2013 – 2033.β€œIf United States wineries can develop strategies that positively affect the rate of consumption among Hispanics, these strategies will have positive and far-reaching benefits, also in other markets in Latin America”, says Stephen Rannekleiv, analyst of the wine industry of Rabobank.


Demographic Change and Wine - Implications for the U.S. Market

Vintage Economics - May 2019

The nonwhite share will increase by 4% to 40% and nearly one in five potential wine drinkers will be of Hispanic origin in 2028. A full 27% of potential wine drinkers will be 65 or older, compared to 21% today. Nearly three-quarters of the 65+ population will be white, but the young adult segment will be split evenly between whites and minorities – one in four will be Hispanic.

β€œEl vino abre las puertas con asombro y en el refugio de los meses vuelca su cuerpo de empapadas alas rojas”

β€” Pablo Neruda (Chile)



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